PokittoLib API Reference
Here is listed and explained all Pokitto specific functions, part of the PokittoLib (see Getting started to install it).
Pokitto namespace
Core class
Name | Description |
begin() | Initialize Pokitto. |
isRunning() | Check run state. |
update() | Update screen, buttons, sound. |
getTime() | Get value of time elapsed in milliseconds. |
getTime_us() | Get value of time elapsed in microseconds. |
wait() | Wait for n milliseconds. |
jumpToLoader() | Call the loader. |
Display class
Name | Description |
drawBitmap() | Draw bitmap to the screen. |
drawPixel() | Draw pixel to the screen. |
drawLine() | Draw line to the screen. |
drawRectangle() | Draw a rectangle to the screen. |
drawCircle() | Draw circle to the screen. |
drawTriangle() | Draw triangle to the screen. |
fillScreen() | Fill the screen with the specified color. |
fillRectangle() | Fill a rectangle with the specified color. |
fillCircle() | Fill a circle with the specified color. |
fillTriangle() | Fill a triangle with the specified color. |
clear() | Clear the screen. |
setInvisibleColor() | Set invisible color. |
setColor() | Set color. |
getPixel() | Get pixel color. |
getHeight() | Get screen height. |
getWidth() | Get screen width. |
load565Palette() | Load a 565 palette. |
loadRGBPalette() | Load a RGB palette. |
print() | Print something to the screen |
println() | Print to the screen and move the cursor to a new line |
printf() | Print formatted data to the screen |
Sound class
Name | Description |
playSFX() | Play sound from internal flash. |
playMusicStream() | Play sound file from the SD card. |
pauseMusicStream() | Pause sound file playback. |
ampEnable() | Enable/disable audio amplifier. |
ampIsoOn() | Enable/disable audio amplifier. |
setVolume() | Set Volume. |
getVolume() | Get Volume. |
Buttons class
Name | Description |
pressed() | Check if button pressed. |
released() | Check if button released. |
held() | Check if button held for ‘n’ frmaes. |
repeat() | Returns true every ‘period’ frames when ‘button’ is held |
timeHeld() | Get The number of frames during which the button has been held. |
aBtn() | Check if Button A pressed. |
bBtn() | Check if Button B pressed. |
cBtn() | Check if Button C pressed. |
upBtn() | Check if Button up pressed. |
downBtn() | Check if Button down pressed. |
rightBtn() | Check if Button right pressed. |
leftBtn() | Check if Button left pressed. |
aReleased() | Check if Button A released. |
bReleased() | Check if Button B released. |
cReleased() | Check if Button C released. |
upReleased() | Check if Button up released. |
downReleased() | Check if Button down released. |
rightReleased() | Check if Button right released. |
leftReleased() | Check if Button left released. |
aHeld() | Check if Button A held for ‘n’ frames. |
bHeld() | Check if Button B held for ‘n’ frames. |
cHeld() | Check if Button C held for ‘n’ frames. |
upHeld() | Check if Button up held for ‘n’ frames. |
downHeld() | Check if Button down held for ‘n’ frames. |
rightHeld() | Check if Button right held for ‘n’ frames. |
leftHeld() | Check if Button left held for ‘n’ frames. |